Why do we trust science but not ourselves?

"You should work every hour of the day, you can sleep when you’re dead.”

While I studied in Sweden I got my first exposure to Entrepreneurship. It was a fascinating world and there were many great stories about people building something from nothing.

That quote is from one of the entrepreneurs I met. It captures nicely the Zeitgeist of the last or so decade. Sleep was for sissies.

Now the climate has shifted. Sleep is the new #1 bio-hack for entrepreneurs and high-performers. Scientific studies and books have been published and proven it. Sleeping is sexy. Hallelujah!

But I can’t think of anyone who actually ever felt great after sleep deprivation. I can’t think of anyone who honestly felt vitalized when living off of coffee and Red Bull for longer time periods.

I am happy to see that times are changing but what I can’t understand is this: Why does it take a scientific study to change our minds on something we intuitively know is true?

We intuitively know what is good for us. And I’m not just talking sleep here. It's the benefits of meditation, the benefits of eating vegetables, the benefits of exercise and on goes the list.

Why don’t we trust our own perception first? Why do we wait until a scientific study proves what we already know is true? Why do we wait for others to give us permission?

I don’t have answers. But I have another question:

How would our world change if we would start trusting ourselves first, science second for the things that matter to us?

I wish you a great day.


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