Fractional AI Lead & CTO

Develop Impactful AI Products Without Headaches

With 10 years of experience in developing AI products and leading AI teams at companies like TIER Mobility, I have seen it all:

  • Unclear requirements,

  • AI initiatives that failed faster than they were praised,

  • Premature scaling of teams,

  • The wrong roles being hired,

  • and eventually the lack of real business and user impact with AI.

Along the way I learned what the ingredients are to build successful AI Products and teams.

My mission is to help businesses create impact with AIbeyond just the hype.

No-BS Leadership for Building AI Products, ex TIER

Christian Röpke

Having spent the last 10 years working exclusively on machine learning powered products, both as a developer and as a team lead, I've encountered countless challenges.

These experiences taught me the critical ingredients for success:

  • clear objectives,

  • skilled teams,

  • and continuous improvement

“I help startups and scale-ups to avoid these pitfalls and help build AI solutions and teams that truly create value.”

How I Help You Create Impact

Immediate Progress (1 hour session)

This is a perfect solution if you have a burning problem and need to get unblocked fast.

AI Accelerator (5 sessions)

If you want to lift your AI Setup to the next level, I conduct with you an AI Strategy audit - looking at your infrastructure, team setup and development flow you get a roadmap to up-level your AI product(s).

Fractional AI Lead /CTO

For a clearly scoped time-frame I come onboard to help you develop an AI Product and setup your AI team for maximum success.

My Satisfaction Guarantee

I am confident in the value my AI solutions bring to your business. That’s why I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

If you're not completely satisfied with my services, I will work with you until you achieve the desired results.