Information as food

What is the right diet for us humans?

This question is fiercely debated. There is a myriad of different options and opinions. From the Mediterranean diet to a vegan diet. From Paleo to Keto to intermittent fasting.

Why don’t we apply this same rigor to our information intake?

Have you ever asked yourself: What kind of information nourishes me? What does a right balance of information look like for me? How much art do I need in my life?

My own information habit can many days be described as this: "anxiously awaiting". I am sitting in front of my computer, afraid to miss out on that one critical piece of information.

And so I try to read, especially online, just so that I don’t fall behind.

What would change if we started treating information the way we treat our food?

  1. There is not one piece of information that we need. We can be nourished from potatoes or from rice, from tomatoes or from zucchini. So one piece of information can give us the same energy and satisfaction as another one.

  2. It would free us to be more relaxed and opportunistic. We don’t have to cram more and more information into our heads. At a point we are good.

  3. We would think more about digesting information. Our bodies spend a whole lot of time on proper digestion. What can we do to help our minds digest?

  4. We would create schedules for consuming and processing information. Just the way we schedule meals in our day.

What do you think would change?


Loving friction